Birmingham, UK; Alhaj Talib Hussain of Miani Dheri, Gujar Khan passed away in Derby

گوجر خان اور برطانیہ کی دلعزیز شخصیت الحاج طالب حسین انتقال کرگئے
میانی ڈھیری اور ڈربی یوکے کے الحاج طالب حسین شاہ مختصر علالت کے بعد انتقال کر گئے۔ برطانیہ میں نماز جنازہ میں ہزاروں کی تعداد میں لوگوں نے شرکت کی اور اب ان کا جسد خاکی ان کے اپنے گاوں کے لئے روانہ ہوگیا۔
1960 میں گوجر خان سے برطانیہ آنے والے طالب حسین شاہ نے برطانیہ میں پاکستانی اور مسلمان کمیونٹی کی فلاح و بہبود کے لئے ایم کردار ادا کیا۔ آپ نے ڈربی میں مسجد اقصی کی طرز پر خوبصورت اسلامک سنٹر بنایا۔
بین الاقوامی ماہر قانوں ہونے کے ناطے آپ نے پاکستان اور برطانیہ میں لوگوں کے قانونی مسائل حل کرنے میں بہت کام کیا۔
پاکستان کی مٹی سے پیار اس بات سے واضح ہے کہ آپ ہر سال چار پانچ مرتبہ گوجر خان آتے تھے۔
نہ صرف برطانیہ بلکہ پاکستان میں بھی ان کے فلاحی کاموں کو ہمیشہ یاد رکھا جائے گا۔
Talib Hussain Shah، Mayani Dehri, Gujarkhan and Derby UK
Talib Hussain Shah, academic scholar who began bridging east with west from the 1960s, an era when most of us could not even speak the English language. Has sadly left this world.
aged 73, Talib left Gujarkhan in the 1960s to join his father in England, they first stayed in Nelson, Lancashire and then quickly settled in Derby.
Mr Shah, at the age of 21 sadly lost both his first son (Shakil) and his father whilst here He had the responsibility of caring for not only his own family but the emerging pakistani community, for whom he very quickly became a leader, highly regarded by both western and asian media channels.
As a pioneer, mr shah became Derby Citys chief advisor, who advocated on the behalf of all those who could not speak. A light for all those whose lives were filled with darkness.
Mr Shah, an international legal advisor, spent the majority of his life fighting every authority in every way, for justice. No or failure was not in his vocabulary. In every spectrum of life; faith, community and family Mr Shah was a trailblazer.
Islamically, during an era when islam was barely known, for our community Mr Shah joined the founders of Nottingham Islamic Centre, albeit for a short time. At the same time he was picked for Nottingham cricket trails however had to decline due to a knee injury.
Mr Shahs journey took him to Derby, where he materialised one of his biggest dreams, founding Derby Islamic Centre. Key to this dream and to Mr Shahs vision were two factors. 1. The Derby Islamic Center he founded was as a company. As a faith establishment this was the first for the UK. Second, was the masjids construction design. As a spectacularly visionary leader, Mr Shah’s design was a blue print of Al Aqsa Masjid. Hexagonally designed, he defined the most experienced architects who said it could not be built in UK by building and opening it. Placed in the heart of Derby Citys bustling town centre, today it continues to be used by all, especially derby professional muslims who pop whilst at work (in places such as the hospital, BBC or the council offices), to convene for prayers. Sadka Jaria, ameen.
A multi talented leader, Mr Shah was an Accoundant, legal Advisor, Islamic Centre company secretary and international business man, who inspired many young legal and financial professionals today. His guidance improved the diversity of those sectors without doubt.
His love for Gujarkhan grew also. His home stands tall in Gujarkhan, his birthplace and where he travelled 4/5 times a year to tend to his international business ventures.
Mr Shah was a poet, and was commended for his urdu poetic writing. This skill he used to challenge and work on cultural and religious concepts, with the most esteem Islamic scholars.
Mr shah had five daughters and was exemplar in fighting and advocating for girls education.
Mr shah passed on 8 February 2020. The UK bid farewell to our leader from Derby Islamic Centre on that same day. Thousands of people paid their respect. Amongst his family leaves, mr Shah leaves behind a son, Aquib and 5 daughters (poetically named, shakilah Jamilah nabilah Rahilah and Tahirah).