برمنگھم؛ ٹیلفورڈ کے باکسر عامر فیاض کو بیس بال کے وحشیانہ حملے کے بعد جیل بھیج دیا گیا۔
برمنگھم؛ اہل خانہ کے مابین تنازعہ کا الزام لگانے والے ایک وحشیانہ اسٹریٹ اٹیک میں حصہ لینے پر باکسر عامر فیاض کیریئر ختم ہوگیا ہے۔عمیر فیاض نے بیس بال کے بیٹ سے بار بار ایک فیملی کو نشانہ بنایا۔حملے کے سلسلے میں حبیب محمد کو 12 ماہ کے لئے جیل بھیج دیا گیا ، اور یونس کے خاندان کو دھمکیاں دینے والی ویڈیو پوسٹ سے متعلق دھمکیوں کے الزام میں ، اسے لگاتار چلانے کے لئے 12 ماہ تک جیل بھیج دیا گیا اورادریس محمد کو کل تین سال اور تین ماہ جیل ۔
Birmingham; Boxer Aamir Fiaz career is over after being jailed for his part in a brutal street attack blamed on a dispute between families.
Ammir Fiaz struck the victim repeatedly with a baseball ball bat, in Regent Street, Wellington.
Fiaz, and Habib Mohammed, both 23, and Idris Mohammed, 20, were sentenced to a combined six and a half years for offences including causing actual bodily harm to Shakeel Younis on December 8 last year.
The court was shown CCTV footage of the moment the victim was punched and kicked by the brothers before Fiaz ran up with the bat and hit him.
For the assault Fiaz was jailed for 15 months for and five months for possession of an offensive weapon to run concurrently.
For the assault and for possession of cocaine relating to an incident near Buttermarket club, in Shrewsbury on June 16, 2017, Idris Mohammed was jailed for a total of three years and three months.
For assault Habib Mohammed was jailed for 12 months, and for intimidation relating to a video post making threats to the Younis family he was jailed for 12 months to run consecutively.