The mission of the www.pothwar.com, a non profit organisation and community information service provider, is to maximise it’s effectiveness in providing relevant & regional news, covering events occurring in the local Pothwar regions and to present media content which is rich in Pothwari culture for the global community on an on going basis for its audiences all over the world.
We are are a number of individuals with a common goal. Not forgetting that we are all volunteers, from the managing director right down to the local journalists. We all live in different parts of the world & we all come from different walks of life. We each specialise in our chosen field with specific key skills which we put to use in running Pothwar.com. We do what we do because we choose to provide a key service to the Pothwari community. Some of our backgrounds include IT specialists, professional journalists, graduates, business traders & school teachers to name a few, this is in essence who we are.
The idea behind Pothwar.com was a simple one. The idea originated some years ago in one mans mind. He had a small question that had been bothering him for some time. After moving to the UK he lost touch with what was happening back home in suburban Pakistan, in Choha Khalsa to be precise. Choha Khalsa is one of those places which has a hidden history behind it. He wanted to stay connected with back home and fought with the idea of a web site for a while and how he would go about creating some thing to use as a foundation. Armed with nothing more than an idea, which was not even on paper, he went out and bought a home computer and the mammoth task of learning to use it. Some months later (not to mention numerous long hours and late nights) a small web site called www.maxpages.com/choha was created. After mastering some basics, he was determined to keep it running. He uploaded pictures of surrounding areas and began the next task of looking for volunteers who wanted to be part of the project. The response he got was huge and people started to sit up and take notice. The seriousness of the web site soon hit home and began to expand. So a new address, www.chohakhalsa.com was registered and was the new image of the web site and also represented the small town where he came from. As the site grew, news reports started shooting across the web and people could now keep up with what was happening in their home villages, something people could not do for decades yet only by telephone the information was limited, his dream was coming to life. This method of putting together a web site for such a region of Pakistan was unheard of, something very few people had tried and those that did, very few were successful, if at all any. The web site grew at a phenomenal rate due to the content and coverage and eager interest from people all over the region. The decision was then made to change the name to www.potwhar.com as the web site was already covering the whole Pothwari region as it was more appropriate and was the logical next step. After this major transition, the next few years were paramount in securing the web site as a fore runner in providing news and media coverage for its chosen sector. Pothwar.com now has visitors from all over the world, not just from the Pothwari community, who are attracted by the content and the people who run it and the fact that it has become so successful as a cyber revolution. Pothwar.com was taken to new heights as he also appeared on TV with some colleagues on numerous Asian pothwari channels which increased the popularity.” The person I am talking about in the above “story” is of course none other than Mr Mohammed Naseer Raja. I am happy to say we went on to complete many great tasks and cover some unbelievable events and some very sad ones too and we are still doing the same great job today. I am happy that i have the privilege of working with so many like minded people and making the web site what it is today. Yet there is still much to do as this is still only the beginning.” I hope this has filled in some gaps for people and given you a good background on Pothwar.com. We have come a long way from our small steps but we intend to keep on going, God willing.
Our mission statement is focused on our primary function. To break this down, each member has his/her own task to perform. These tasks include the below and are done by different members of staff. I hasten to add that many a times, staff do, on many occasions go beyond their chosen roles. The below is only a summary, this list is not exhaustive Source local news and forward by digital medium to relevant staff. Capture news scenes via photography. Work with local community to build a working relationship of trust. Raise valid concerns on behalf of the local community on the issues affecting them. Raise funding indirectly for charity and make people aware. Cover local events for widespread publicity ie charity events, Urs, Mela etc. Try to find new ways of improving the tasks we do for the web site for a better impact.